Google Adsadvertising

Google Ads

Google Ads are now an almost mandatory part of building a successful business. Trying to succeed without Google Ads is like going hunting without a gun. You can try, but there's not much point. It's currently the most effective ad management platform available, and it's the one that can deliver visible growth in a short space of time - only of course, that it's managed by a competent person.

Want to revitalize your business with profitable campaigns, perfect targeting, a punchy look and new ideas? Want a whole team behind you and your successful ads? Our PPC Manager colleagues can help you!

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Google Ads

But what isGoogle Ads?

Google Ads

Google Ads is part of PPC campaigns. PPC stands for Pay Per Click. One of the advantages of this form of advertising is already in its name. You only pay for the clicks that are made on your ad and the visitors to your website. The fact that visitors come to our site and that we only have to pay a fee for the actual visitors is not enough to be saved, which in this case is to make a profit. It is important that incoming visitors are genuinely interested and perform the expected interaction on the site, i.e. make a purchase, subscribe to our newsletter or contact us.

This goal can only be achieved through precise targeting, i.e. using the available filtering options to target a relevant audience (those who really want what we have to offer). Targeting is one of the most difficult, and most cautious, aspects of online marketing. (True, the other aspects should not be underestimated.)

Google Ads ADVERTISINGoptions


A search campaign can be used to display ads on Google's search interface. We have the option of precise targeting, so we only show our ads to those who might be relevant.


The display network is the set of sites on which Google gives us display opportunities. This network allows us to reach people who are not familiar with our business but are potentially interested in the product/service we offer.


We can retarget people who have previously visited our website but for some reason stopped before making a purchase. It is extremely effective, one of the marketing solutions with the highest return on investment.



For periodic campaigns and if you're looking for a quick way to drive more traffic to your site, Google Ads is the right platform. You don't have to wait months for results, because what you plan today can get results within days.


With your ads, you can target the exact people who are potentially interested in your product or service based on their searches. This is important because you pay per click, so there's less chance of spending money on unnecessary clicks.


When combined with Google Analytics, you can get accurate measurements that make it easy to see which campaigns are performing well and which campaigns may need improvement. Continuous monitoring of results is essential for effective advertising.


The advantage of click-based advertising is that you only pay after a potential customer (if your settings are correct) visits your website, so your money is in the best possible place when you choose Google Ads.


  • When you feel your Google Ads campaigns are not working properly.
  • When you don't know how to get started building your campaigns.
  • If you're not sure you're advertising on the right platform.
  • If you want to get more out of your campaigns but don't know what you should be doing.
  • If you want experts to review your current campaigns.
  • If you have questions about Google Ads.
  • If you want to take the first big step forward in your business.
Request a Quotation

WHY WE MANAGE YOUR CAMPAIGNS?What's it like to work with us?

A dedicated team

We have a team of specialists to help our clients' marketing efforts. You'll be working with a team of professionals who love their work, care about their clients' campaigns and are passionate, dedicated and competent. Our colleagues have gained experience in top-quality companies that are well-known and respected both nationally and internationally, and our unique and unrivalled selection and training system has nurtured them into true marketing professionals.

Constant communication

It is important to us that we can always reach our clients during working hours. We respond to emails as soon as possible and always answer the phone.

Professional experience

In addition to companies on the international market, we support small and medium-sized enterprises in our country every day. Over the years, we have managed an advertising budget of more than 17 billion HUF.

We can also help with copywriting and graphic design

If required, we can help you not only with the management of your campaigns, but also with copywriting and graphic design, as our team also includes creative professionals.


We don't just oversee your campaigns. We also work with you to monitor your website and marketing. If necessary, we'll anticipate potential problems and offer advice.

Get the most out of your business with powerful Google Ads campaigns!

Google Ads

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